Tips for Better Performing Pages

If there’s an all-encompassing guide on how to improve website performance, this is it. A well-crafted landing page first knocks the socks off your potential customers and then converts them to actual customers. With landing pages, it all lies in the details- every aspect of your page should be improved such that it pleases the customer to finally bank you the conversions you want and need!

Best Landing Page Tips
The importance of having a good page is often understated but it is recommended to follow these simple yet the best landing page tips listed below.
Content matters
Make your customer feel positive, smart and informed when they scroll through your landing page using language and visual content to drive in your message without overwhelming them.
Straightforward CTAs in contrasting colours
Colours are your best friend when it comes to effective landing page design and having your simple and easy to understand call-to-action in a contrasting colour makes it hard to look past.
Keep it simple
Follow a rather simplistic approach when it comes to the look and feel of your landing page. But remember, simple shouldn’t be confused with boring! Tread the balance carefully.
All about page SEO
The landing page must be optimised for SEO to get people onto your page in the first place. Make sure that you find the keywords relevant to your business and incorporate them into your headlines, content, meta-data and alt texts, to name a few.

We, at Dinero Tech Labs, understand the nuances of unlocking better performing pages and offer guidance and support with innovative ideas to transform your digital presence. Get in touch with our team and set up a meeting at [email protected] to get started on your website 2.0.
